RESisles: Resilient Euro-Mediterranean Islands: Democratic Participation for Informed and Responsible Decisions on Climate and the Environment

RESisles: Resilient Euro-Mediterranean Islands: Democratic Participation for Informed and Responsible Decisions on Climate and the Environment

Duration: 18 months

Project Title: RESisles: Resilient Euro-Mediterranean Islands: Democratic Participation for Informed and Responsible Decisions on Climate and the Environment

Project number: 101146782
Project name: Resilient Euro-Mediterranean Islands: Democratic Participation for Informed and Responsible Decisions on Climate and the Environment
Project acronym: RESIsles
Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency

Topic of the initiative: Euro-Mediterranean islands face economic and social challenges that are related to limited land resources, limited diversification in economic activities, and reduced inhabitant mobility. They are also particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. The European Green Deal and the Blue Economy strategy aim at building a more resilient future for Europe, so it is imperative that actions and policies implemented are inclusive, considering the needs of all European territories and people, especially the most vulnerable ones. The RESIsles project will promote and facilitate civic participation on the islands of Cyprus, Malta and Crete, three of the most populated and vulnerable Mediterranean islands, in democratic processes concerning climate change and the environment. The project will directly involve a diverse range of citizens from different backgrounds and genders, with a focus the most vulnerable groups to climate change: youth, women, and those in rural or remote areas. Through interactive presentations at schools,
“train-the-trainer” educator workshops, video competitions and award ceremonies, co-creation cafés, participation in youth festivals and organization or rural festivals, and knowledge transfer events, the project will directly engage over 1650 people. The project’s awareness raising, communication and dissemination activities on traditional and online media will reach an additional 6 million people.
The RESIsles comprehensive approach will create a greater understanding of the EU policy-making process and provide citizens with the tools to practically engage in European, national and local democratic participation processes concerning climate change and the environment. In so doing, the RESIsles project will promote democratic participation through debating the future of Europe (Priority 1) and will engage citizens and communities in discussions and action related to our climate and environment (Priority 2).

Project Partners: AKTI Project and Research Center, HCMR Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Nature Trust – FEE Malta


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